"Do not store treasures for yourselves on earth... Store up treasures for yourselves in heaven... For wherever you treasure is, there will be your heart too" (Matthew 6:19-23).
Materialism and consumerism finally lets you down. Material things come with a promise but they can never deliver that promise. They don't give you real satisfaction. Perhaps they give a temporary "kick" but eventually it's a kick that knocks you out. The entertainments and stimulations connected to consumer goods ultimately lead you to addictions, worthlessness, nothingness.
So Jesus says get your true and deep satisfaction by putting your heart somewhere else: on spiritual goods. He cunningly uses banking and investment images for the same ("store up" or "save"). As John Paul II said to the United Nations, material goods decrease by usage, but spiritual goods increase by usage. Certainly your satisfaction too. Material goods lose their charm day by day, but spiritual things actually strengthen you and make your joy deeper day by day. What you love reveals who you are.
Mind you, the heaven is already here on earth. It is surely now here, that's why later too you can enjoy its fullness. What will you bet your money on?
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