Sunday, 17 June 2018

Holy Spirit

Day 3: Talk 2: THE HOLY SPIRIT (LOVE RELATIONSHIP). Retreat to the FMAs, Bellefonte Outreach, Shillong.

Love is the nature of God’s Being. God refuses to be known but can only be loved. God can only be loved and enjoyed, which ironically ends up being its own new kind of knowing. This is absolutely central and pivotal. 

God is Being, not being among many beings. God is love. God is relationship itself. God is absolute relatedness. God is Spirit. God is beyond gender. 

God is non-stop flow of love. He loves you 100%. You cannot diminish God’s love for you. No matter what, we are God’s Beloved. 

Changing your idea of God has the capacity to change your life itself. In our joy or our pain, true life is a dance, a flow, a relationship. We are like God, we too are relationships. 

Various Names for God as Trinity/Love: One-Two-Three of God. Father, Son, and Holy Spirit. Infinity, Imminence, and Intimacy. Unconditional Love, Unconditional Forgiveness, and Unconditional Presence. God-for-us, God-with-us, God-within-us. 

God doesn’t look at our faults, but at the places in us that are trying to say “yes.” You do the same with your children. You see beyond the “no” to the abiding “yes.” God sees the divine image in you as you see your image in your children. 

The love in you—which is the Spirit in you—always somehow says yes. Love is not something you do; love is someone you are. It is your True Self. Love is where you came from and love is where you’re going. It’s not something you can buy. It’s not something you can attain. It is the presence of God within you, called the Holy Spirit, who is uncreated grace. 

Gen 1:2. The verb “hovered.” Like a mother hen. Encircles, protects. Motherly, sisterly presence of the Spirit. Ruah is feminine in Hebrew. The Spirit guides us and guards us like a mother hen protecting her brood of chicks. 

Sudden fire. Joy. Divine Energy. Spirit = Energy. Where is the energy? Protons, neutrons, electrons. Mom and Dad are sitting/lying down. The kid runs into in-between them. The energy is in the interaction between them. In the spaces between them. 

Boundaries to the universe? The universe is not inert, but is “inspirited matter.” 

And that’s where the essential power is—the space between the persons more than the persons individually. 

Holy Spirit is the Space between Everything. 

Turn on the Holy Spirit. 

Spirit is Holy. Why? Absoultely in relationship with everything. Holy person vs psychopath. 

The all-important thing is to get the energy and quality of the relationship between these Three—that's the essential mystery that transforms us. 

Where is the Spirit? From where is she coming? Where is she going to? She blows where she wills. 

Wrong ideas: Only we have the Spirit. We have pocketed the Spirit.

How to find out if Spirit is active? Galatians 5:22. Fruits of the Spirit. 

If the Holy Spirit is alive within you, you will always keep smiling, despite every setback. When the Spirit is alive in people, they wake up from their mechanical thinking and enter the realm of co-creative power. 

What has happened between 5 and 50? Where is the joy that I once had? Spiritual has nothing to do with things going right. It has everything to do with things going. Joy is almost entirely an inside job. 

Without joy our spiritual life cannot bear fruit. Joy is essential to spiritual life.

Negativity and hatred stick like Velcro to the nerves, while positivity, gratitude, joy, happiness and appreciation slide away like Teflon from those same nerves—until we savour them, and choose them, for a minimum of a conscious fifteen seconds! 

Only hour by hour gratitude is strong enough to break all resentment and resistances. Hour by hour living out of communion. 

How are you doing life at this moment? How you do anything is how you do everything! Here and now.

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