Sunday, 23 December 2018

More Peace

4th Sunday of Advent - Year C (23 December 2018)

Micah 5:1-4. Psalm 80:2-3, 15-16, 18-19. Hebrews 10:5-10. Luke 1:39-45.

Elizabeth was filled with Holy Spirit and said, “Of all women you are the most blessed and blessed is the fruit of your womb.”

Christmas for some of us brings a lot of unbridled restlessness. There is something in us that is good restlessness, but there is something that is not-so-good restlessnes, which we (along with Ron Rolheiser) can call “unbridled restlessness.” This can be seen in our forwarding or replying WhatsApp or other social network media messages. We take time to forward even what is unimportant: I’d like to think about those false news or information circulated, or even those news items about Christmas cakes and trees and cribs which focus on the marginal aspects of Christmas (though this too may be needed at times). There is the danger that our Christmas gets identified with cards and cakes and chocolates and cribs, and we even forget the big “C”: Christ.

Let us take for instance our WhatsApp replies… a meaningless exercise at times. We don’t mean many of those words. We are in a perpetual hurry, trying to finish up the replies. Why can’t we take a few minutes to think about and feel with the person, and give a fitting reply to them, and leave alone our hurry and restlessness in order to focus on what we write or forward to them?

Here is an example of restlessness being forwarded: “The month of December this year will have 5 Saturdays, 5 Sundays, and 5 Mondays. It only happens once every 823 years. The Chinese call it BAG FULL OF MONEY. Send this message to all your friends and within 4 days the money will surprise you. Based on Chinese Feng Shui, the one who does not transmit this message can lose this great opportunity ... I do my part, you never know!”

The words of St Francis de Sales could help us focus: “Never be in a hurry; do everything quietly and in a calm spirit. Do not lose your inner peace for anything whatsoever, even if your whole world seems upset.”

Today's gospel reading presents us the model of a woman who goes in haste to meet her relative Elizabeth. Mary teaches us how to be present to the other. I think this is one of the biggest presents that we can give to others. We should not forget our less privileged members of the society. Christmas is a social celebration of family, food and fun and its joy should not be spoiled by somebody being left out because they are not grand enough to take part in our festivities. Without family what is the use of all the food and the fun? Without importance given to persons what is the use of all the presents?

From Elizabeth and Mary let us learn to be present to each other, to be a blessing to each other, and to carry God wherever we go. Let us have a lot of inner peace this Christmas, and thus give more peace to others. Not our unwanted and unbridled restlessness. Lack of inner peace can make our Christmas dissipated and meaningless. Therefore, even if we answer fewer messages this time, let us mean them. Let us breathe that inner peace and calm into every message that we send.

Less forwards, but more peace!

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