Sunday, 20 January 2019


2nd Sunday in Ordinary Time - Year C (20 January 2019)

Isaiah 62:1–5. Psalm 96:1–3, 7–10. 1 Corinthians 12:4–11. John 2:1–12.

You have kept the best wine till now.

After a little coaxing and gentle persuasion from his mother to save a wedding feast from catastrophe, Jesus performs the first of his miracles at Cana in Galilee. However, there is more to his action of changing barrels of water into vats of wine than appears at first sight. He is not merely saving a couple of newlyweds from public embarrassment because their wine is running short. What he is really doing is talking to each one of us personally about the shortages in our own lives. Could it be true that after a few years of marriage, gone are our dreams? Our love has dried up, we’ve lost our ideals and no longer have the sparkle for living. Bored and weary we have settled for humdrum routine. John is telling us that we need to be refreshed, to let Christ touch the water of our lives, and bring greater understanding.

Christ came on earth to change people and to make all things new. He came to change us just as he changed water into wine. His presence among us is an invitation to change our ways and a call to a new manner of life. Christ is the spirit of new life who is continually bursting into a world that is weary of meaningless living. His words are spirit and life and have a message for every age. Just 20 days ago we welcomed a New Year which speaks of new beginnings and a fresh start. With it comes our old familiar resolutions to be better people and transform our living. If we really want to change our lives we have got to turn to Christ and call on his help. Wherever Jesus is found, life is always changed for the better. He enriches the very ordinary, makes it precious and gives an eternal value to the commonplace. Given the opportunity, Jesus will be at work in the most unexpected of ways, transforming us, making us like himself.

The joy and happiness he brought into the lives of the newlyweds at Cana by his presence is ours for the asking provided we follow the simple instruction given by Mary, “Do whatever he tells you.” We could carry this message on our fingertips today, one for each finger: 1. Do, 2. whatever, 3. Jesus, 4. tells, 5. you.

As our interceding mother, Mary, is always anxious to show her concern by bringing our human needs into the mission of her Son. Our big mistake in life is that when we run short we forget to turn to Jesus for fresh supplies of what we need. It is only when we go to him with open hearts and empty hands that he can touch us and make certain that the wine of love and joy will always be part of our lives.

We can be our best only with God's grace... that is true change. The work of transformation is Christ's, Spirit's, not ours. We need only to make space for Jesus. He will take charge of the situation.

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