Sunday, 29 July 2018

One Small Boy

It all started with the real hero of that story—a small boy. There were all those people: five thousand men and, most probably, at least double that number of women and children. It was an adult gathering, not the sort of place a little boy would choose to spend his day as if it were a picnic. It is Jesus who says: "What are we going to do? How are we going to feed them?" "There is a small boy here," Andrew informed the others. And with this insignificant detail an extraordinary miracle began to take shape. With all innocence, the little one must have proudly displayed to Andrew the contents of his lunch bag – two fish and five barley loaves – and offered to share it. Most adults in a similar situation would have been more circumspect. "What is that between so many?" Adults wouldn't even have offered to reveal what they had. Some even could have thought of finishing it up, before someone could ask for a share from it. But the little lad offered whatever little he had to Jesus, and behold there was a great miracle. Incidentally, this is the only miracle narrated by all the four evangelists.

Today’s miracle should help restore our lost confidence. Even small details in our lives have a meaning. The Lord used the little contribution that the small boy generously parted with. The boy would never forget this as long as he lived, that he had contributed to a miracle. We should not forget either. Overwhelmed as we may be with the might of technological progress, we should always remember that it is with our little efforts that God chooses to make his greatest miracles. God and little sacrifices (efforts) together make a formidable combination. He can use our littleness for his greater glory. Unimaginable things can happen if only we are willing to part with our little things. Finally, and interestingly, they collected twelve basketfuls. There is always excess if we trust God's work. When you are asked for something you think you are unable to give, think of that small boy, of his story, and think of the twelve basketfuls of food left over. Everything has a place in our lives, if we are ready to open ourselves and share it with the Lord. Miracles begin with just a little generosity!

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