October 2022 - 29 October 2023)
O Most Holy Trinity—Father, Son and the Holy Spirit, we adore and thank you for the gift of life and faith, by which we are your children and disciples. We thank you and praise you for the love you manifested in a special way to the people of Nagaland through the creation of the diocese of Kohima-Imphal fifty years ago, that the joy of the Gospel and true faith in your Son may be proclaimed to everyone. We thank you for the gift of valiant missionaries – men and women.
As we prepare to celebrate the Golden Jubilee of the diocese of Kohima empower us to be your true witnesses and proclaimers of the Gospel through our life and witness so that we may live for Christ and His Church. Give eternal happiness to all the bishops, priests, religious and laity who have, in one way or the other, helped the growth of the diocese, and have preceded us.
O Mary, our beloved Mother, Help of Christians and patroness of our diocese, intercede for us that we may open ourselves to the working of the Spirit. Teach us to ponder the Word, to live the Word and to take the Word to the hearts and places still unreached. Dear Mother, walk with us in our pilgrimage with your beloved spouse St Joseph, so that we will together face to face praise, honour and worship the most Holy Trinity, the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit, who live and reign for ever and ever. Amen.
Mary Help of Christians, Pray for us.